July 2021


On 22 June 2021, we held the AIAG loss adjusters’ seminar in digital format, and the first webinar «From Insurer to Insurer» on current topics took place on 1 July 2021.

250 participants from 30 countries registered for the seminar. For the webinar, more than 170 people from 20 countries registered. We would like to thank you very much for the lively interest you have shown in our events in this new format and hope that you were able to benefit from the presentations and the information provided. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all speakers for their efforts and the sponsors of the loss adjusters’ seminar – Partner Re, Scor and Swiss Re – for their support.

If you would like to watch the two events again, the recordings as well as the presentations are available on the Membernet of the AIAG website.


For more information, please see AIAG's membernet!