The board is the AIAG’s executive body and is made up of members who are nominated by the member countries and elected by the general meeting. Representatives of subscribing members cannot be elected to the board. The president and vice-presidents are elected from among the board members. The board, in turn, appoints a secretary treasurer. The president's period of office is limited to two terms, i.e. a total of four years. The board meets twice a year.
A permanent secretariat is responsible for administration and member management. This has been based in Zurich since the establishment of the Association. The secretariat furthermore organises adjusters’ seminars, congresses and meetings.
The official languages are English, French, German and Italian.
AIAG is short for "Association Internationale des Assureurs de la Production Agricole". In English "International Association of Agricultural Production Insurers".
...began in 1951 with the first congress in Paris and the foundation of the ‘International Association of Hail Insurers’ (Association internationale des assureurs contre la grêle) or AIAG for short.
The AIAG’s founding members, with representatives from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland, set themselves the objectives of improving and expanding coverage and hail insurers’ services through the exchange of information, experience and statistics.
read onsince 2019 | Pascal Forrer Direktor, Schweizer Hagel (CH) |
2015-2019 | Arnaud de Beaucaron Administrateur, L'Étoile (FR) |
2011-2015 | Dr. Kurt Weinberger Generaldirektor, Österreichische Hagelversicherung (AT) |
2007-2011 | Dr. Rainer Langner Vorstandsvorsitzender, Vereinigte Hagelversicherung (DE) |
2003-2007 | Daniel Sauce Directeur, Aviva Assurances (FR) |
1999-2003 | Urs Braun Direktor, Schweizer Hagel (CH) |
1995-1999 | Walter Lechner Mitglied des Vorstandes, Versicherungskammer Bayern (DE) |
1991-1995 | Dr. Franz Stadler Generaldirektor, Österreichische Hagelversicherung (AT) |
1987-1991 | Jean Léger Directeur, Abeille-Assurances (FR) |
1983-1987 | Walter Galli Direttore, Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta (IT) |
1979-1983 | Dr. Bernd Hildebrandt Vorstandsvorsitzender, Deutsche Gärtnereihagel (DE) |
1975-1979 | Dr. Michel Marchal Directeur Général, L'Abeille (FR) |
1971-1975 | Dott. Enrico Randone Direttore Generale, Assicurazioni Generali (IT) |
1967-1971 | Dr. Hermann Stech Generaldirektor, Mecklenburgische Versicherungen (DE) |
1963-1967 | Raymond Follain Directeur Général, L'Abeille (FR) |
1957-1963 | Dr. Emil Fäh Direktor, Schweizer Hagel (CH) |
1951-1957 | Paul Perrot Directeur Général, L'Abeille (FR) |