At the AIAG General Meeting on 9 November 2021, which was held online for the first time, the elections of the Board were on the agenda again this year.
After many years of close relations with AIAG, Arnaud de Beaucaron, L'Etoile (France), has resigned from the Board. Arnaud de Beaucaron held the position of Secretary-Treasurer of AIAG from 2008 to 2012 and was a member of the Board from 2012. From 2015 to 2019, he successfully served as President of the Association. We sincerely thank Arnaud de Beaucaron for his great and long-standing commitment and services to AIAG. We wish Arnaud de Beaucaron all the best for the future.
The current CEO of L'Etoile (France), Olivier Marciaux, was elected to the Board as his successor. We congratulate Olivier Marciaux on his election and wish him every success in his new job.
The first representative from Asia to be elected to the AIAG Board was Jianguo Song, Deputy General Manager of China Pacific Property and Casualty Insurance Co, Ltd. (CPPIC). Jianguo Song has been with CPPIC for many years and is now responsible for the fast-growing agricultural insurance division. We warmly welcome Jianguo Song and look forward to the professional exchange with a leading representative of the Chinese agricultural insurance market.
According to the statutes, after two years in office, the AIAG President can be re-elected for another two years by the General Meeting. The President of the AIAG, Pascal Forrer, Schweizer Hagel (Switzerland), who has been in office since 2019, was confirmed in office for another two years. We warmly congratulate Pascal Forrer on his re-election.
All previous Board members were re-elected for a further term of two years. These are:
Dr Tom Zacharias, NCIS (USA)
Ignacio Machetti, Agroseguro (Spain)
Francesco Girotti, Generali Italia (Italy)
Dr Rainer Langner, Vereinigte Hagelversicherung (Germany)
Dr Kurt Weinberger, Österreichische Hagelversicherung (Austria)
Jaap Breugem, Achmea Agro (Netherlands)
Néstor Abatidaga, ALASA (Argentina)
Tom Zacharias, Ignacio Machetti and Francesco Girotti were re-elected as Vice-Presidents of the Association. In addition, Delphine Létendart, Groupama (France), was confirmed in her position as Secretary-Treasurer.
We warmly congratulate all of them on their re-election.
In addition to the elections, the annual financial statements for 2019 and 2020 were approved by the Meeting. It was further decided to leave the membership fees unchanged for another two years.
Further information on the General Meeting are available on the Membernet: AIAG General Meeting 2021