The history of the AIAG

The history of the AIAG began in 1951 with the first congress in Paris and the foundation of the ‘International Association of Hail Insurers’ (Association internationale des assureurs contre la grêle) or AIAG for short. At the time, the establishment of an international association in the insurance sector was a pioneering concept. The only sector that operated internationally by nature was the transport sector. The European Insurance Committee was only founded in 1953 and the European Conference of Fire Insurance Companies followed in 1956. The need for international contacts, which was particularly prevalent in the years following the Second World War and became increasingly pressing in the insurance sector as a result of its international character, led to the foundation of the AIAG.

The founders included companies from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. The AIAG’s founding members set themselves the objectives of improving and expanding coverage and hail insurers’ services through the exchange of information, experience and statistics. Originally, only direct hail insurers were admitted to the Association, of which there were 60 at the time. From 1955, reinsurance companies and other related institutions, however excluding brokers, were accepted as ‘subscribing members’ without a vote. In 1956 there were 40 of these. Since 1997, brokers have also been accepted as ‘subscribing members’ providing they work in the agricultural insurance sector. 

For some years now, it has been possible for both crop and livestock insurers to become AIAG members. In 2007, the ‘International Association of Hail Insurers’ was therefore renamed the ‘International Association of Agricultural Production Insurers’ although the well-known abbreviation ‘AIAG’ was still retained.

The ‘board’, as the Association’s executive body, originally comprised five, then in 1965 seven and finally from 1979 nine members. These are nominated by the member countries and elected by the general meeting. Representatives of ‘subscribing members’ cannot be elected to the board. The president and vice-presidents are elected from among the board members. The board, in turn, appoints a secretary-treasurer. Since 1963, the president's period of office has been limited to two terms, i.e. a total of 4 years. 

At the biennial congresses, agricultural production insurers from all over the world exchange information about adjusting techniques and share their experiences. In addition, annual adjusters’ seminars on risks and adjustment techniques for various agricultural crops have taken place in different host countries ever since 1977. These events have proven to be important and enjoy great popularity and large numbers of attendees.